
[A3: STILL ALIVE Introduction Guide] Combat Power UP at the Right Time! Turn on Notifications! Special Adventures


The easiest way to increase the combat power of your characters and Soul Linkers in Survive The Darkness <A3: STILL ALIVE> is to clear adventures every day. However, unlike Normal Adventures which you can participate in at any time, Special Adventures are only open at specific times of the day. Although you need to keep an eye on the time while hunting, you can get helpful rewards that increase your combat power.


▲ World Boss (Reward: Equipment, Soulstars, Magis stones, Mana Stones etc.)

The World Boss is a special adventure that opens 3 times a day, and the goal is to defeat the boss of each region, which are divided based on the level. If you're prepared, you'll get more rewards - for example, by creating a party 5 minutes before the mission starts. To create a party, you can recruit other players in 'World Chat' or gather 5 players from your guild or your friends. The party leader can summon party members to where the leader is at. This way, you don't have to use a Teleportation Scroll to enter the World Boss.

Once you clear the World Boss, you can get rewards based on your mission contribution. You can get higher tier equipment for more contribution and complete the Codex with the Monster Cards acquired from clearing the World Boss for each region to get additional rewards such as Gold, Soulstars, and Diamonds. You can also get randomly acquire a piece of Equipment, Shining Soulstar, Mana Stones,Magic Stones and World Boss Monster Codex. . If your channel has already cleared the World Boss, go to another channel that still has a World Boss and participate in the conquest to get additional rewards. Hurry up!


▲ Dark Invasion (Reward: Various Magic Stones, Mana Stones, Soulstars)

Dark Invasion is a 10-minute special mission that happens twice a day and is divided into 2 phases. Phase 1 is a defense mode where all guardians participating in the mission stop the demons while the energy of the Holy Artifact is charging. If you're going to Auto Hunt, your character might leave the barrier and die, so it's recommended to set the Auto Hunt distance to 30m. Phase 2 is an attack mode where you have to destroy 2 Black Crystals and defeat the Dark Invasion Boss, Tousbahal. You need to defeat Tousbahal twice to get better rewards, so defeat the the boss for the area where a lot of guardians are gathered first, and then defeat the next Black Crystal and Tousbahal.

Dark Invasion rewards are divided into Individual and Region based on the Contribution and clear time, and you can get Magic Stones, Mana Stones and Soulstars. Individual Points are accumulated each season on a weekly basis and you can get additional reawards based on your points, so participating in Dark Invasion every day can help you get excellent rewards. Activate the 'Auto Join' button to automatically join Dark Invasion while you're logged in. However, if your character dies, Auto Hunt also stops, so keep an eye on your character.

▲ Dark Presence (Reward: Soulstars, Mana Stones)

A large-scale battle that starts when the red moon rises! Dark Presence is a large-scale PVP mode where players on the field fight each other that takes place two times a day for 10 minutes each. Participating guardians are divided into 2 teams, and the goal is to defeat monsters and opponents to earn points. Based on the results and individual points, you can get Mana Stones and Soulstars. If you're shooting for a higher rank, defeat opponents toward the end to get more points. You earn a point for each minute spent in Dark Presence, and if you accumulate 60 and 240 points in a week, you can get 4★ and 5★ Rare Soulstars. Make sure to participate!

▲ Forte's Seal (Reward: Guild Honor, Guild Funds, Shimmering Cloth, Mana Stones, Enhance Blessing Scroll, Randomly acquire a piece of Equipment )

Forte's Seal is guild-exclusive raid content that unlocks the boss monsters for areas 1-5 every day. You can get Guild Honor, Guild Funds, Shimmering Cloth, Mana Stones, Enhance Blessing Scroll, Randomly acquire a piece of Equipment. However, Forte's Seal isn't available all the time. Once you and your guild members enter the Special Adventure at the promised time, the guild leader or Vice Guild Leader can open the boss area and start the raid. If more guild members participate, there's a higher chance of clearing the last area and acquiring more rewards. Communication and cooperation with fellow guild members are very important for clearing Forte's Seal.

▲ Conquest (Reward: Blue Diamonds, Mana Stones, and other various Guild Rewards (Guild Exp/Funds/Exp), etc.)

Conquest is guild PVP available starting at Lv. 60. Every Saturday, 5 guilds that own a territory fight for control of the field. In Conquest, you need to defeat small, medium and large objectives that are hidden across the map and accumulate points. It requires a lot of communication between guild members as well as a strategy. Each time the guild members defeat an object, they can receive a buff in PVE and PVP modes for 2 hours. Sky Isle (Floating Island) is the most competitive because it gives you a buff that increases Gold and Exp earned by 30% for 7 days. Devise a strategy and bring victory to your guild.
For more contents and tips, check out the official community Also, check out <A3: STILL ALIVE> Youtube Channel for more info and events.

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