
[Blade & Soul: Revolution Introduction Guide] Class Skills and Passives


Blade & Soul: Revolution is an expansive open-world MMORPG and a revival of the popular PC title, Blade & Soul. Today, we will learn about the skills and passives of each class. You can increase levels of skills and passives by using Essence of Skills and Essence of Passivity acquired from shops, Conquest missions, and daily quests. Let's take a look at the types of skills and passives in the game!

First, let's learn about skills. Blade & Soul: Revolution features various skills types such as Base Stance, Ultimate Stance, and Special Stance. Base Stance consists of Attack and Defense type skills, as well as Utility Skills like grappling and buffs. Each skill is chained to the next one, creating a powerful synergy! Level up your Attack, Defense, and Utility type skills depending on your play style for the content you enjoy!

Ultimate Stance skills are used after filling the Ultimate Gauge. The stance allows you to unleash powerful skills and defeat your enemies. The gauge can be filled in various ways, such as eliminating enemies or landing attacks. The Ultimate Stance is removed when the Ultimate Gauge depletes after a powerful skill use. 
Special Stance consists of skills which can be used under specific conditions, and each class possesses different skills. Let's take a look at the kinds of Special Skills available for each class.

Kung Fu Masters can use Special Skills when grappling and in Base Stance. When this happens, the Kung Fu Master grapples an enemy for a short duration to make it easier for party members to attack the enemy.

Force Masters can use Special Skills when using Phantom Grip while in Base Stance. Phantom Grip can render the enemy helpless and vulnerable to devastating attacks.

Destroyers are unique in that their Rescue Stance can restore party members from near-death! The ability to bring a party member back into action is incredibly helpful. Destroyers also have the Grab Stance. This helps the party by neutralizing the enemy for a set duration.

Blade Masters have no special stance, but they have other various skills that can aid the party. They can use a buff which increases the party's defense, and they are exceptional at chaining offensive and defensive skills.

Lastly, Summoners.  Like Blade Masters, they do not have a special stance, but if a Summoner can neturalize a target using various skills, Familiars are able to attack. Summoners can use skills which can heal all party members or revive allies, making them incredibly effective in a party.

Each class also has Escape Skills and Remover Skills, which can be used when grappled by enemies, as well as Joint-Attacks, skills combined with those of other party members to deal great damage.
Blade & Soul: Revolution has not only fancy skills, but also those that can increase base stats! More skills become available as your level increases. It is a good idea to look carefully, as the skills raise different stats, and consider which areas need improvement before investing points. That's all for skills and passives! Use your points to complement your playing style! 

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