
‘MARVEL Future Revolution’ available globally! An Interview with Doo-Hyun Jo, Head of Development at Netmarble Monster and Han-Jin Joo, Development Producer.


Marvel's first open-world RPG on Mobile <MARVEL Future Revolution> officially launched in more than 240 global countries on August 25th. <MARVEL Future Revolution> is the second collaboration title between Netmarble and Marvel, and is being developed by Netmarble Monster the Developer of <MARVEL Future Fight>, enjoyed by more than 120 million people around the world. <MARVEL Future Revolution> includes Marvel Super Heroes 'Captain America', 'Captain Marvel', 'Spider-Man', 'Black Widow', 'Iron Man', 'Doctor Strange', 'Star- Lord' and 'Storm'. Eight people will appear. In addition, 'Marc Sumerak', an established writer of Marvel Comics, participated in creating the scenario, raising the expectations of fans all over the world.

This time, we will meet Doo-Hyun Jo and PD Joo Han-Jin of Netmarble Monster, the developers of <MARVEL Future Revolution>.

Q. Please introduce yourself

Doo Hyun Cho: Hello. This is Doo Hyun Cho, head of development for ‘MARVEL Future Revolution’.

Han Jin Joo: Hello, I am Han Jin Joo, PD of 'MARVEL Future Revolution'.

Q. What kind of game is 'MARVEL Future Revolution'?

Doo Hyun Cho: ‘MARVEL Future Revolution’ is Marvel’s first mobile open-world action RPG. It focuses on the beautiful graphics that go beyond the limits of mobile devices and delivers the fun of real-time fluid action & combat from ground to the air!

Q. What impressed you the most about the process of collaborating with Marvel?

Doo Hyun Cho: Both Netmarble and Marvel started this project with the goal of making the best game with ‘MARVEL Future Revolution’. You might think that it would be very challenging to collaborate with Marvel, who has the most powerful IP in the world, but in fact, they are very supportive and full of passion. Marvel gave generous support to the use of IP with an open attitude, and fully understood our needs in creating this game. The shared ambitions allowed our game to reach new heights.

Han Jin Joo: The thing is, you have to make everything absolutely feel Marvel. Anyone can see it as Captain America or Iron Man. In addition to making the appearance identical, there is something that comes to mind when you think of the character. For example, Iron Man has to fly freely in the air in his suit, and we focused on developing this part because it features ground and air combat.

Q. What differentiates this game from existing MMORPGs?

Han Jin Joo: I will say three things.

I think the first is the overwhelming graphics. It's fun to watch even if you are just progressing through the missions.

The second is the 3D battle that covers all spaces from ground to air. Flight is not only a means of transportation but also a strategic function during battle.

The third is that we moved away from the typical language of the mobile MMORPG.

The MMORPG is rather a difficult and complicated genre, but we planned it so that users of various classes can enjoy it enough. Also, we are avoiding the so-called grinding game. There is no grinding endlessly in fields for growth in ‘MARVEL Future Revolution’.

Q. What Content or Development Aspects Were You Most Focused On?

Doo Hyun Cho: I wanted to give a big surprise to people who are playing ‘MARVEL Future Revolution’ for the first time. And I wanted to recreate the feeling of a team of Super Heroes. When you play the game for the first time, the game starts with Star-Lord's BGM. The cutscenes, voice actors, QTEs (quick-time events), and the early tutorial sections that naturally lead to gameplay, we called the Impact Stage. Although I focused on each and every piece of content in the game, the first tutorial section of the game was the most important development part for me. I thought first impressions determine everything in the game.

Han Jin Joo: We tried to make a game that broadens the base of MMORPGs in the global market. We tried to make it intuitive so that many Marvel users could easily understand it, and we excluded the complicated syntax used by many MMORPGs. For example, when starting a live MMORPG, it is difficult to know what to use and how to use it because of the various items and crafted items. And in order to level up, I had to do the so-called field neglect play, grinding, which is common in the Asian market, but I decided that it was neglected in the global market, so I boldly excluded it from the beginning of development.

Q. If you could tell us one story behind the development that people are not familiar with?

Doo Hyun Cho: In the early stages of development, we referred to ‘MARVEL Future Revolution’ as something like the “Apocalypse”. There were ideas for painting a world where you could think about what heroic action would be like in the shattered Marvel universe. There was also the story of Ultron's invasion of Wakanda, and the story of Hydra who occupied New York. Hydra's story can be seen as an example of an idea materialized and applied to the present.

The word “apocalypse” naturally disappeared as the ideas needed for the game were materialized and it was finally decided to go to a scenario that made use of the link between the MMO genre and the Marvel story. Hence, a more sophisticated form of scenario developed known as the Convergence.

Q. Who is your favorite Marvel superhero?

Doo Hyun Cho: My favorite Marvel Super Hero is ‘Iron Man’. However, based on ‘MARVEL Future Revolution’, ‘Black Widow’ is my favorite. When I first developed this Super Hero, I thought a lot about how to express her attractively in the game without superhuman abilities, unlike other superheroes. I liked Black Widow's unique fighting action, which was created by the fierce contemplation of the game designer in charge, and he is the hero I am most proud of because I know the efforts of the graphic artists who expressed it attractively in the game.

Han Jin Joo: I liked fantasy cartoons when I was young, but I once thought of flying in the sky. I thought that a genius scientist could make something like this in a snap. That's why I like 'Iron Man' the most.

Q. Do you have a costume that you are most attached to?

Doo Hyun Jo: I created an area called the Hydra Empire, imagining what if? Naturally, I thought that Captain America, the symbol of Hydra, would also give fans a lot of surprise and joy. I feel the greatest attachment to the Hydra Empire costume. I think it's a costume that can only be seen in 'MARVEL Future Revolution'.

Han Jin Joo: Costumes made with the concept of the current generation can be enjoyed in many Marvel IPs, but I think that the Midgardia costume, which is a fantasy concept, has a certain appeal. For this reason, I am attached to the Midgardia costume, and I like it even more because it enhances my favorite Iron Man's weapon cartridge series.

Q. What is ‘MARVEL Future Revolution’ to Netmarble Monster? How would you describe it in one word or a short sentence?

Doo Hyun Cho: I would like to say that it is a game that generously utilizes Netmarble Monster's development capabilities!

Han Jin Joo: A game not to be missed if you are a Marvel fan! I think it's an easy, intuitive, action-packed MMORPG.

Q. Lastly, is there anything you would like to say to players?

Doo Hyun Cho: We need your strength to protect the Primary Earth in a crisis. Don't forget that each of you is a hero to protect the planet. We want to play together in the world of MARVEL Future Revolution.

Han Jin Joo: I tried to solve it in an easy and fun way. I hope that many people who like Marvel will enjoy it. Thank you.

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