
Hop in! A3: Still Alive(Global) Hyper Express


Netmarble is servicing various mobile MMORPG games. Among them, A3: Still Alive combines old and new, holding a long history and tradition. Based on the original A3 game loved by many in 2002, it drew a lot of attention merging the MMORPG and battle royale genre into one. What makes A3 stand out, even more, is that it is of an original Netmarble IP.

These traits earned A3: Still Alive the honor of being the first MBX-implemented game in the MARBLEX ecosystem. This decision was backed by the significance of the game and stable global service that has been consistent for 2 years. On March 3rd, the ‘Inetrion Ore’ was introduced as an obtainable commodity in the ‘Inetrion Dungeon’ within A3: Still Alive(Global).

Recently, MARBLEX has been speeding up service by adding the DEX(Decentralized Crypto Exchange) function to the MBX Wallet. The fact that Inetrion ore can be collected and exchanged for MBX tokens draws a lot of attention from many gamers. Being one of them, our reporter played the global version of A3: Still Alive.


STEP 1. 70% Discount! Perfect Time to be a Guardian

The Inetrion Ore is a key commodity that can only be obtained through ‘A3: Still Alive(Global)’. You could use it to trade for in-game items, but the main usage would be for MBX token exchange. To be precise, you would exchange the Inetrion Ore into Inetrium(ITU) via the Inetrium Refinery, and exchange the Inetrium(ITU) for MBX tokens through MBXL. Let us show you how to enter the Inetrion dungeon.

Once you create your character after downloading and installing the game, you will be ready for your ‘expedition’. Don’t get too excited yet, as you won’t be able to head into the Inetrion dungeon right away. Fortunately, A3: Still Alive(Global) prepared a gift for us ‘newbies’ who heard the news and just got into the game. In the in-game store, you can get the ‘Inetrion Express’ for FREE and boost your character right up to level 160.

Utilizing the ‘Premium Inetrion Express’, your character jump right up to level 190 and it includes weapons, armor, accessories, and other rewards to increase your character’s stats.

Special  [Premium Inetrion Express] 70% Discount Event is now ongoing. It is the easiest and the fastest way to hop on the train. The event will end on July 14th (Thu) 00:59(EDT).


STEP 2. Now you are a passenger of the Hyper Express

A3: Still Alive(Global) has been servicing for over a year and a half. During that time various content and growth factors were added. For users who are not familiar with its original contents, A3: Still Alive(Global) supports guide missions to help. Following the mission is well enough to grow characters and understand in-game system and contents. In addition, the premium express can act as a good ‘stepping stone.’

With the help of the Premium Inetrion Express, the character will be level 190. The high-spec gear and powerful Soul Linkers and Shus to aid you in battle are ready.

Using the various rewards provided by the Premium Inetrion Express to level up your gear, soul linkers and, shu properly, and leveling up your skills efficiently will be enough to farm in the Inetrion dungeon with ease.

But if you wish to become stronger,  [Veteran Level Up Package] is a great option. For new servers only, the package is on sale for FREE. If you are a not-yet-a-guardian, choose newly opened [AS-2] - 9 or  [NA/SA] - 9 server for the free package and jump up to Lv. 200.  The free-package event will end on July 14th (Thu) 00:59 (EDT) as well.


END. Why Just Sit-Watching?

While farming in the Silend Mine, Rift Altar, and Black Lighthouse to upgrade equipment, soul linkers, and skills, you will be able to fully appreciate A3: Still Alive as a game itself, not just a way to earn MBX.

The Inetrion dungeon is divided into three tiers. The lowest being the Inetrion Tier 3 dungeon where PK is banned, is far less efficient when gathering ore in contrast to the higher tier dungeons. Here, there is a mutual understanding even if the automatic hunting areas overlap each other. Thanks to this, users who farm alone through trial and error, or players who prefer peace and relaxation can collect Inetrion Ore in peace. This can also prevent malicious macro players from running wide.

Now, for the players who just participated A3: Still Alive(Global), Bonus Time Event for Field Drop Acquisition Increase & Inetrion Ore Acquisition Increase in Inetrion Tier 1 / Tier 2 Battlefield is also in progress.

By July 14th (Thu) 10:59(EDT), Fame Exp. and Apostle Exp. will get 1000% buff for 24 hours in selected regions, along with 100% increased amount of Gold and a 20% increased amount of Equipment drop.

Your time will be worth rewarded, and then you will be strong enough to move on to the Inetrion Dungeon Tier 2. You can now collect 2,500% increased amount of Inetrion Ores thanks to the event. There are also numerous air-drop events where you can get various spec items or ITU directly, so you have a way to obtain game tokens even if your character’s level doesn’t make the cut. In the highest tier which is the Tier 1 dungeon, there is fierce competition among the top users and guilds. The ‘tax’ system gives the advantage of being able to obtain a large amount of Inetrion Ore exceeding the daily limit. During the event period,  you have a chance to get a 4,000% increased amount of Inetrion Ore, so do not miss the chance to enjoy the thrilling challenges.

To sum it up, A3: Still Alive’s Inetrion Dungeon Update is fun content where you can naturally acquire real-world goods. For those who have only been sit-watching, now is the perfect time to hop in as a new guardian. New servers and supportive events to help super-fast growth are all prepared.

Find more information about the events and supports at A3: Still Alive Global Official Forum or Discord.

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