
[ESGing Netmarble] (2) Eco-Friendly Office! Netmarble G-TOWER


Hello, everyone! We are back with the second article of [ESGing Netmarble] series today. Channel Netmarble is going to introduce you Netmarble's ESG management one by one. First, let's start talking about ESG's E, Environment. 

Netmarble has included eco-friendly philosophy into its management strategy. The best and the most well-known case of the plan is Netmarble's newly built office G-TOWER, which was approved for use in November 2020.

G-TOWER was constructed to meet the requirements of eco-friendly buildings and reflect Netmarble's unique green growth values. The selection of building materials was rigorous throughout the whole construction process. From production, transportation, construction, and disposal, G-TOWER used high-efficiency materials with low environmental load, KS-certified materials, and eco-friendly materials that obtained environmental mark certification for hazardous chemical emissions and content.

In addition, solar, fuel cells, geothermal, and GHP systems were installed in G-TOWER to expand the use of new and renewable energy. Environmental impacts from the building construction were minimized by using eco-friendly certified products and recyclable resources. 

Netmarble's new building, which thought about the environment carefully, obtained G-SEED certification and the 1+ building energy efficiency rating.

The new office building of Netmarble covers 17.27% of the total energy consumption by utilizing various new renewable energy sources. To increase the ratio of new renewable energy, the new office building located in the town center uses a Building Integrated Photovoltaic System (BIPV), fuel cell system, and geothermal heat system. With the use of new and renewable energy. Netmarble expects to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 5,300 tons annually.

Netmarble's new building also chose glass as eco-friendly. The use of high-performance "Paired low E-glass," which has the advantage of outstanding insulation performance and energy-saving effects, such as reducing the inflow and outflow of heat and dew condensation, has saved thermal energy consumption. In addition, roll-blind installation is used to block solar radiation, thereby saving 186.04kWh/m2 per hour.

Then how do we manage power? To reduce the overload of power peak times, three air conditioning systems, electric heat pump "EHP," gas heat pump "GHP," and geothermal heat, were installed according to the characteristics of space.

G-Tower, where Netmarble's new building is located, has an 83.3% non-electronic cooling equipment system, which is way higher than the standard (60%) of public institution-related legislations! Furthermore, G-Tower's GHP is a highly efficient equipment certification product that emits 39% less carbon than EHP. Compared to coal, the main material of electronic facilities, can reduce ultrafine dust and air pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions by 1/8 to 1/3.

Netmarble also introduced the Building Energy Management System (BEMS) and installed sensors on major facilities to systematically operate and manage energy consumption in buildings. Through BEMS, we conduct activities such as collecting and indicating data, monitoring information, analyzing energy consumption status and facility performance & efficiency, forecasting energy consumption, and linkage of the control system.

Netmarble installed a wastewater reuse system and rainwater processing facility in the new office building to reduce water use and sewage generation. The business and sales facilities, landscaping water, toilet, parking lot, and more use water from the wastewater reuse system and processed rainwater. G-TOWER is now reducing city water usage by 925,000L up to the end of 2021 by using the wastewater reuse system and rainwater processing facility. In addition to our water recycling activities, we use water-saving products in our toilet bowls, washbasin, showers, etc., to save water.

The building has many residential spaces, offices, roads, and facilities. Netmarble secured more than the legally required space as a landscaping area, open space for public purposes, and an ecological area above legal requirements to preserve the natural environmental functions upon the construction of the new office building. In particular, we established a terrestrial biotope of about 180m2 on the floor and about 99m2 on the roof.

G-TOWER installed a storage facility for approximately 260 bicycles to promote an eco-friendly commuting culture. Also, we provided an exclusively dedicated parking zone for eco-friendly vehicles and a charging facility for electric vehicles (12 fast charging units and nine slow charging units). In the future, we plan to expand these to spread an eco-friendly commuting culture and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Netmarble is planning to expand the usage of renewable energy to reduce greenhouse gasses by establishing an environmental management strategy in 2021 with the aim of "minimization of environmental influence."

Netmarble is working very hard to reduce energy consumption and use eco-friendly products for future generations! Please continue to pay a lot of attention to ESGing Netmarble.

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